Home » Veggie & Feta Cheese Lasagna

Veggie & Feta Cheese Lasagna

Helloooo!!! How is everyone today?  Hopefully your weekends were filled with sunshine and lovely memories.  Last Friday a few of my sweet friends dropped by for coffee and to just generally catch up on things, I thought it would be nice to jazz up their morning a bit by making these Greek Cheese Puffs instead of baking a cake or cookies. 🙂  We had a great time talked for a couple of hrs and just had a lovely time  One of my friends who dropped by is the one who asked me if I was interested in doing the children’s cooking workshop which is actually coming up next month and I am so excited about it. 🙂 

I was going to see the area in the school that the workshop will be taking place on Friday.  We took a lovely walk over to the school and oh wow did I have a flashback…I felt like I was back in school in home ed class. Wow that was a long time ago, anyway their kitchen is wayyyy bigger than mine at home and it so great to see a normal oven and not those teeny tiny one that the Dutch have, which is actually exactly what I have at home. 🙁  It came with the house and I have not been able to replace this yet. ufffffff

So, I haven’t made this Lasagna in such a long time, and I do love it because its filled with vegetables and cheese.  Oven baked soft feta cheese that has melted and each bite is just amazing. This is the same lasagna recipe with the delicious tomato sauce but no meat just veggies, aubergines, zucchini, feta cheese, parmesan, onions….ohhhh so delicious, it truly tastes and looks much better in real life than the featured image…:)   

This recipe is delicious with or without the added Feta & Parmesan Cheese, it is up to you if you would like to add it or not. 🙂



  • 2 packages of Lasagna Sheets
  • 4 Zucchini chopped
  • 3 Aubergines chopped
  • 2 large Onions chopped
  • 3 Red Bell Peppers chopped
  • 5 fresh Tomatoes grated or 2 tablespoons of Tomato Paste.
  • 4 cups of Homemade Tomato Sauce or Ready made Tomato Sauce
  • 2 cups Feta Cheese cubed
  • 2 cups Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 cups Mushrooms diced
  • 2 tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 cup Olive Oil
  • 2 cups Water
  • Salt & Pepper


  • Wash, drain, & chop Aubergines,
  • continue same step for zucchini
  • Dice onions and set aside.
  • In a large sauce pan add 1/2 cup of olive oil on medium to low heat and add in the veggies. Sauté until tender. Toss in salt, pepper & sugar
  • Continue by adding in the fresh tomatoes & tomato paste. If your using ready made tomato sauce no need to go ahead with this step.
  • On the bottom of the baking pan add a couple of tablespoons of Tomato Sauce. Lay a few Lasagna sheets on top.
  • Add a layer of the veggie mix,
  • then add a layer of Feta and Parmesan Cheese.
  • Continue layering until Lasagna sheets and mix have finished.
  • The top layer should be tomato sauce and topped with Parmesan cheese. Pour the rest of the Olive Oil, and add the water into the baking pan not on top of the topping. Bake at 180 degrees for 1 hr and 30 minutes, but this all of course depends on your oven. 🙂



  1. This is the one, I haven’t yet tried…need to try someday😊 looks so yummy Sophie ✌

  2. Wonderful lasagna! Thanks for sharing the vegetarian version.

  3. So healthy, Sophie. and so yummy. Mmmmmm

  4. It looks delicious, Sophie! I love lasagna. I tend to prepare veggie one too, however with “white” sauce 🙂

  5. mistimaan

    Looks tasty

  6. Diana Tyler (Eccentric Muse)

    I love vegetarian lasagna! Thanks for sharing and happy Monday!

  7. hahahhahaaha 🙂 Thank you so much for all your wonderful commetns…Your too good to me 🙂

  8. Love all versions of lasagna!! Anything layered with cheese is good in my book😊💕

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