Home » Cottage Cheese & Greek Yogurt Dip
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Cottage Cheese & Greek Yogurt Dip

Hi everyone, I hope your week has been good….mine unfortunately not so good my back gave out on me on our way back from Greece so, I have sitting/laying on the couch and trying to recover, which I have I am feeling better today.  So, our road trip to Greece this year was not really a good one, it started out on Friday morning after I picked up the car from the garage.  When I finally got home from the garage I smelled something coming from the car, at first I thought it was just another car that went by but noooo it was ours!!

I called the mechanic and he said it was nothing and not to worry about it.  Hmmm, I called my husband after that and he said there was definitely something wrong and he was right!!  He has been a car fanatic ever since he was young so he knows he way around cars as he does trucks because he is a Truck Driver.  So, we were suppose to leave Friday night but unfortunately we did not, my husband checked out the car when he got home and of course he found the problem.  So, the following morning he went to the garage furious should I say??? mmmm worse then that if you know what I mean. 🙂 and so the car was fixed so we started our trip  around 11 am.   

The whole trip literally the whole trip it was rain and thunderstorms non-stop!!! Now, Charlie was in the back seat and at some point we needed to get out just to take a breather and walk Charlie….Where!! How!!! with the rain POURING DOWN like it was Niagra Falls!!! Lightning!!! OMGosh  it was just crazy!!!.  We finally got a break for a couple of minutes in Austria, before heading into Hungary, yep just a couple and jumped out of the car, stretched our legs and walked Charlie…:)  When we got into the car again the rain started pffff and so we continued our trip with the same weather conditions. 

We finally reached into Serbia passed Belgrade, and finally got to this beautiful mountain Fjord, but it was late in the evening, and the storm just getting stronger and stronger. and there was no where to stop.  Potholes, gaps, and cliffs, a very small road and so at some point we couldn’t see anything from the rain it was coming down hard, at that moment  a truck passed us water splashed onto the car and I was so scared because we were literally stopped due to the rain on the edge of a cliff!!!  We finally got through that and had to find somewhere to stop because it was dangerous.

We got to the next boarders, and finally found a gas station to stop but again we could not get out…now this must have been some sort of tornado because no umbrella would do the trick…Charlie was freaking out in the back seat and I thinkkkk nooo I am sure this was the first time I actually saw Charlie get pissed hahahaha…he circled a few times and just plopped down with a huge should I say mumbling sound or grunt he was fed up, tired and I have to admit I laughed so much cause the whole thing from the start of the trip was just awwww tiring.  

We finally got to the boarders and of course we entered Greece and it was raining hahahahahahah and cold!!! UNBELIEVABLE and yet so true.  We stopped off to have a coffee in this little cafe we know and tried to just relax before heading to Athens.  We finally got to the city late that evening and well from there we were ok…The following morning we woke up with beautiful sunshine.  🙂

So, since I was feeling better today, it was better to start off with simple Dip recipe, and as you already know I love them but this one is a much healthier version.  Now, I am not big on Cottage Cheese but the combination of the these ingredients with the Cottage Cheese just gives it a lovely taste. 🙂  I know, I know your probably thinking SOPHIE stop with the Dips, hahahaha I will but I really wanted to share this recipe with you…So, if you are dieting like I am you will love this!!  Try it out!! 🙂





2 1/2 cups of Cottage Cheese

1/2 cup of low fat Greek Yogurt

1/4 cup of  Fresh Scallions (chopped)

2 1/2 tablespoons Lemon Juice

1 1/2 tablespoons of Dill  (fresh or dried)




Add Cottage Cheese into your food processor,


along with the low fat yogurt.


Pour in the lemon juice,


and chopped Scallions


Once these ingredients are in the bowl,


add in the Dill, now I did not have fresh dill on hand but I did have dried dill, so I used that and the taste is just fabulous as if you were using fresh dill.


Once you’ve got the ingredients ready, give it a swirl on low and


this is what it should look like.  Don’t beat it too much because then it will become to watery. 🙂 Place in a small bowl and dip with your favorite chips, crackers or bread!

Kali Orexi!!! 🙂



  1. What a delicious tip ! I just love it.

  2. What a delicious dip ! I just love it.

  3. Such a creamy dip…very pleasing Sophie ✌️

  4. Sounds like it was quite the start to your trip, I’m so happy you made it safely and there was sunshine! Hope you are feeling better. This is a fantastic recipe, cant wait to try it! 😊💗

  5. Diana Tyler (Eccentric Muse)

    Wow! What a start to your trip! I’m glad that you made it there safe and that you returned safely as well. Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe.

  6. So healthy looking, I need to try it. ❤️

  7. It looks wonderful!

  8. Hello Sophie! What a journey! I am glad you arrived safely and glad to hear that you feel better. Poor Charlie… <3 I can imagine he did not feel great about it. Our dogs are not fan of this weather either. But the dip!!! 🙂 Just great. My type – with chips or fried tortillas 🙂

  9. Nice one, Sophie! That sounds like a light and flavorful dip. I would love to take that trip. It sounds like a neat vacation; I wouldn’t even mind the rain.😄

    • Thank you!! The Cottage Cheese takes much better with these few ingredients believe me hehehe…Thanks so much!!

  10. You had me on the edge of my seat reading this. So happy that you made it through safely!

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